Managerial and Functional Capacities in the Economic Development of Service MSES

Clayton Alvarado Chávez, Víctor Pedro Cuadros Ojeda, Isidro Teodolfo Enciso Gutiérrez, Javier Gonzalo López Y Morales, Lourdes Lucila Céspedes Aguirre, María Teresa Corcino Barrueta, Nicéforo Bustamante Paulino

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The objective of this research is to analyze the influence that managerial and functional capacities have on the economic development of service MYPES in the Huánuco region. The methodology assumed the quantitative approach, of an applied type, descriptive-explanatory level of transactional cut, the population was made up of 10,452 MYPE from the services category, the sample was made up of 350 formal entrepreneurs, it had a non-experimental design; The literature review, survey and statistics were used as techniques, each with their respective instruments, validated by experts in the area. The results show that the highest percentage of entrepreneurs agree with the profits generated by their businesses, microentrepreneurs have high confidence in the processes created for their business, 36% of microentrepreneurs are unaware of the benefits of social networks today., 34% of microentrepreneurs believe that their service approach has positioned them in the market. It is concluded that the managerial and functional capacities shown by the owners or managers of these micro-enterprises were acquired through experience, experience and years of permanence in the market as companies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)500-505
Number of pages6
JournalMigration Letters
StatePublished - 2023


  • business skills
  • financial skills
  • microenterprises
  • sales


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